Our goal was to learn to be great Sister Missionaries, to learn from the best...our Sister Trainer Leaders. The training was fantastic. Our Sister Training Leaders are amazing, I have been out with many of them for an afternoon of teaching. They are great examples to those they train.
In addition to the sharing talents as leaders and teachers, we shared other talents throughout the day:
Sister Downs sang a song she wrote as she accompanied herself on the piano
Sister Carbone played some beautiful songs on the guitar
Sister Downs and Sister Lasike sang a duet
Lucy and Alicia made us a great lunch of Lomo Saltado and we enjoyed every bite. After lunch it was time for more training by the Sister Training Leaders, Sister Marler and President Marler.
What might you expect as an end to our perfect day? Games! Our goal was to build great relationships between our companionships. Everyone enjoyed gathering points to win prizes with their companion.
Ring Toss
Make a Book of Mormon sculpture with play dough
Jenga Build off