We travel to the southern part of our mission each month.
President meets with the various
stake presidents, and we meet with our missionaries.
Quite often, the question is asked, "What do you do in Chimbote?"
You can see a bit of the highlights below:
We have spent the las week in Chimbote, Casma and Huarmay. We have had a great time with the missionaries, and the Stake, Branch and District Leaders.
It is always such a pleasure to be with everyone
Friday we had time for proselytizing with the missionaries.
Sister Marler was with Sister Butterfield and Sister Skirvin.
President Marler was with Elder Copa and Elder DeLaCruz...a wonderful afternoon was had by all
We were off to Casma for meetings with the new District Presidency on Friday night.
On Saturday, President went out with Elder Beuhner and Elder Bacerra.
Hermana Estrada and Hermana Balcaza spent the day with Hermana Marler
Elder Rotolo and Elder Endicott gave a wonderful presentation to the Casma District Leadership
We had a great dinner in Casma...the Elders display their favorite meal as a Peruvian Flautist shares his talents.
Hermana Estrada and Hermana Balcaza joined us on our trip to Huarmay and taught the Young Women a lesson on dating and modesty.
Sister Marler taught a lesson in Relief Society on the role of women in the church, and our part in the work of salvation.
The Huarmay Branch Council met, after having 120 attending Sacrament Meeting, the full council talked about helping the local member and investigators.
President Cruz of the Huarmay Branch, with President Marler
Our Sunday dinner was delicious, Sopa de Pollo y Aji de Gallina...in the home of Hermana Nora and her family. Thanks for the great meal!
from left: Hermanas Estrada and Balcaza, Elders Antuña, Gibson, Zavaleta, Pearce, Orihuela, and Elder Benitez
from left: Hermanas Estrada and Balcaza, Elders Antuña, Gibson, Zavaleta, Pearce, Orihuela, and Elder Benitez
After lunch we visited 2 sisters who had been recently baptized.
Sister Estrada and Sister Balcaza with the Young Women's President and one of the Branch young woman...look at the view of the ocean behind us, it was a beautiful day.
Sunday night, we returned to Casma and participated in a Family History Training for all of the youth in the Casma District. It was a great meeting, and we enjoyed getting to be with all of the youth.
Monday we were back in Chimbote for an activity day (see the Blog entry at the beach)
We even had a little time to go shopping at the Mercado Central with the Mendez Family
Tuesday morning President and the Assistants went to the Chimbote Peru Zone for their Zone meeting.
Tuesday afternoon we were sharing the message of Christ with the missionaries again.
Sister Marler joined Sister Smith and Sister Cossio
While President spent the afternoon teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ
with Elder Mendoza and Elder Rareba
Now, this is what we do in Chimbote, Casma and Huarmay
Monday we were back in Chimbote for an activity day (see the Blog entry at the beach)
We even had a little time to go shopping at the Mercado Central with the Mendez Family
Tuesday morning President and the Assistants went to the Chimbote Peru Zone for their Zone meeting.
Tuesday afternoon we were sharing the message of Christ with the missionaries again.
Sister Marler joined Sister Smith and Sister Cossio
While President spent the afternoon teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ
with Elder Mendoza and Elder Rareba
Now, this is what we do in Chimbote, Casma and Huarmay