Today was a wonderful day. Our first "Meet the President Multi-zone meeting" was wonderful. We held meetings in the morning and afternoon with various zones in the Trujillo area.
These are the missionaries from the Central and Palermo Zones. It was wonderful to meet them.
I am sorry Central and Pelermo that I did not get a picture of you all, I will do so next time we are together. Hermanas, if I don't take pictures, please remind me.
Our second meeting was with the Virú, Laureles, and Casa Grande zones. I thought nothing could be better than our meeting we held in the morning, but I found that all of our missionaries are terrific and that we just love them so much.
The Palermo Zone and the Laureles Zone sang special musical numbers, Here is a picture of the Laureles Zone. It was really nice to see Sister Montalvo and Sister Flores again (you may rememeber they were the Sisters at the baptism on Saturday). ...and what a treat to have Elder Boekweg here, we met Elder Boekweg in Provo at the MTC a few months ago.
Elder Caro , Elder Ferreira, Elder Espinosa |
Elder Perez and Elder Astill |
I will say that this is a wonderful, exciting experience. We feel so close to the missionaries we have met, and we can't wait until tomorrow!
Elder Chempen, Elder Castillo, Elder Zavaleta

I believe that we knew each other before we came to earth and we knew we would all be together again...and now we are here. Together, united in the purpose to bring souls to Christ.
Here are the Virú, Laureles and Casa Grande Zones. Aren't they a terrific group of missionaries! |
Elder Diaz, Elder Bravo, Elder Smith (1/2 of the Trujillo Dream Team)
Thanks to everyone, for all your help with the Spanish today!
We wouldn't want to survive with our office elders...thanks for a perfect day!