As a feature on our blog, we will feature missionaries, and their personal experiences. Sister Lasike arrived last Tuesday. She shares with us her first impressions:
Hermana Lasike with her companion Hermana Paiva |
My brother-in-law told me "the mission isn't easy but it's not hard either." I truly believe this. I've been in Peru for 5 days and I can tell you that the difference between here and my home is indescribable.
The spirit that the people carry here is 10 times stronger than back at home. It has a lot to do with how simply they live, they live for their families,and for their God. We have met many people here who are Christians, and many other religions, but each seems to be centered on Christ, or our Father in Heaven. When we talk with them, we can see the light in their eyes for the love they have for the words we speak or Christ. they are very receptive of the message we bring and they are willing to listen to every word. I now this because of the spirit that follows each lesson or encounter we have with the people here.
Hermana Lasike taking notes during a training |
There are three words I could use to sum up the people we meet here, "humble", "willing", and "ready". As much as they think my companion and I are teaching them...they are truly teaching us in return.
The work we are doing is a blessing and will only feel hard when you are willing to push yourself to a better level. Hard things in life aren't always bad things. I am so grateful for all I've been blessed with.
If this is a quick glance into what will come on the rest of my mission, I welcome it with open arms.
Hermana Diaz, Hermana Lasike and Hermana Paiva participate in a practice session.. |