Those who left the mission...what a great group of Elders! |
Elders Relaxing before the ride to the airport (Elder Smith, Elder Massey, Elder Hendrix, Elder Flansberg)
Whose shoes could these be?????
On the bus and ready to go
Elder Contreras ready to go home
Elder Hoyos gives one last good-bye
Elder Mendoza enjoys a chat with Elder Zarian.
Elder Contreras, Elder Quispe and Whitelock, enjoying their last moments in Trujillo
Elder Quispe shows off the backpack that made it two full years |
Elder Hendrix with a family he brought into the church
Elder Oyarzun enjoying the last moment in Trujillo |
A smile from Elder Flansburg |
Elder Contreras, a wave good-bye |
Elder Hoyos with Elder Zarian and President Marler |
A last look through the airport glass...good-bye, we all love you. |