A wonderful bonus of being here in Trujillo is that we are able to serve with the members of 11 wonderful stakes (stakes are a division of the Church)
While we were at the airport waiting for our new missionaries, we saw family and friends of 3 missionaries who were returning home from their missions
It was fun to see everyone
The Moche Ward was out to greet Heramana Palacios as she returned home from her mission
they are from the Laureles Stake
they are from the Laureles Stake
Everyone was so excited as they waited for the plane to land
Wow! what a great Ward Family to give such love and support
Elder Pereda and Elder Zavaleta come home to family and friends
Hermana Palacios with her family
Hermana Palacios and her Moche family
Elder Zavaleta with his family
Elder Pereda with his family and friends