Trujillo Peru North Mission

Trujillo Peru North Mission
Amos de la Viña

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Welcome China and India

This will be a different type of blog entry, and I hope you will enjoy this.  Over the last month we have had 5,000 people read our blog from various countries in the world.

From South America we have readers from Peru, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Colombia.

From Central America we have readers from Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras, and El Salvador.

We have readers from Canada, the United States, France, Spain, Germany, The United Kingdom, Sweden (thanks Jennie), Russia, Serbia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, the Ukraine, Indonesia, Australia and Belgium.  There are also 25 people from China and 34 from India that read our blog each week.

Many of the people from these countries have probably heard about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but in some countries the Church does not have a large presence.  We welcome the people of all nations to look at our blog and to enjoy the photos of our missionaries.  They enjoy sharing their mission experience with you, and we hope you will learn a little about the Gospel of Jesus Christ as you read our blog.

We have included a link or two for you, so you can learn a little bit about the Church of Jesus Christ, and have some of your questions answered.  We would also like to share a bit about our faith.

We are a Christian faith.  We believe in God, the Eternal Father; in His son, Jesus Christ; and in the Holy Ghost.  We believe all three are Gods, separate and distinct beings, yet inseparable in their purpose and their love for us.

We are Heavenly Father's spirit children and we lived with Him before we came to this earth to live with our earthly parents.  We chose to follow the plan of our Heavenly Father and to come to the earth to learn to become more like Him, so we could return home to Him one day.

Because we would not be perfect, we would fall short of being able to return to Heavenly Father.  His law says that we need to be perfect to live with Him.  Because of this, his plan included having His only begotten son in the flesh, Jesus Christ, pay the price for our sins, so we can ask forgiveness for our sins, keep the commandments of God and try to live our lives the way Christ lived His.  (we call this repentence).  It is a beautiful gift that Jesus gave us.  He was perfect, he lived a perfect life, and He willingly gave His life and took all of our pains, sins, hurts and disappointments upon Himself, so we could repent and return home to our Heavenly Father with our families.

Families are eternal.  If we accept the teachings of Christ and follow the path He has set for us, we can receive rich blessings from our Heavenly Father.  These great blessings are found in the Temples of the Lord that are now in many countries of the world.  In temples we are given great gifts from Heavenly Father that help us in our daily walk, and help us to know how to return home.  Families are bound together for all eternity in the temple.   Here is a picture of our eternal family:
This is a picture of our family on the day our daughter was married in the San Diego Temple
This pictures includes our parents and some of our brothers and sisters and their families as well…we love our "Forever Family"
Jesus organized His Church while he was on the earth, it was called the Church of Christ.  After His death and the death of his Apostles, the Church was changed by the votes of the Nicene Council in the year 325 after Christ.  Many churches were formed, just as there are in the world today.  In 1820 a young man, Joseph Smith prayed to determine which church he should join.  God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him, and told him to wait and not join any of them, because the true church of Christ was no longer upon the earth. 

Later, God called Joseph to be a prophet, like the prophets of the Old Testament.  Through Joseph Smith the Church of Jesus Christ was once again restored to the earth, with all of the original principles, teachings and organizations.  That Church is on the earth today. It is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

We invite all to come unto Christ, unto His teachings,  
and receive all of the great blessings He has for you.  

The message of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is true, this is His Church upon the earth, in these the Latter-days (or last days before His coming again).  We love Jesus Christ, we testify He lives, He loves us, He is our Savior and He has redeemed us from our sins and short-comings.  
This is the reason we all serve,
 the 242 missionaries of the Trujillo Peru Mission